RSPA Trusted Advisor “Quick Take” Ep. 24: VAR/ISV Jeremy Julian on Pivoting After COVID-19

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In Episode 24 of “The Trusted Advisor,” Jeremy Julian, the COO of VAR/ISV hybrid CBS NorthStar, previews the RSPA Academy Symposium industry expert panel “Pivoting After COVID-19.” Julian and the RSPA’s Jim Roddy talk through the biggest challenges for resellers and software developers as they move forward, mistakes to avoid during the transition, and how to lead during this crisis.

Scheduled for Aug. 26-27, 2020, the RSPA Academy Education Online Symposium will feature 20+ education sessions across six tracks: VAR & ISV Executive Education, Marketing, Sales, Customer Experience, Security, and Next Gen Technologies. To register, go to

“The Trusted Advisor,” powered by the Retail Solutions Providers Association (RSPA), is a content series designed specifically for point of sale resellers and software developers. Our goal is to educate you on the topics of leadership, management, hiring, sales, and other small business best practices. For more insights, visit the RSPA blog at
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