Siemens #GridEdgeSummit - A chat with Cedrik Neike ...

140 Aufrufe
In the run up to Siemens Smart Infrastructure Grid Edge Summit (, I had the opportunity to meet up with Cedrik Neike, Member of the Managing Board of Siemens and CEO Smart Infrastructure for an online chat.

We had a chat around the Grid Edge;

- On how he defines the Grid Edge ... where intelligent buildings 'talk' to intelligent grids
- Three things COVID 19 has accelerated ... related to Grid Edge
- Any hints for any new technology or solution we might hear about next week... he had three

For more info on Siemens #GridEdge virtual summit June 16th to 19th, check out

For transparency, Siemens engaged me as a #SiemensInfluencer paid role at #GridEdgeSummit

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