Silencing the Terrible Engine Grind on a Jeep Grand Cherokee

192 Aufrufe
#autorepair #grinding #engine
Are you experiencing an engine grind while accelerating? Most cases the engine grind is a failing bearing on a pulley. The engine grind in this video was a failing idler pulley. Most engine grind noises can be caught in preventive maintenance checks. Make sure you are performing your maintenance on the correct intervals. Do you have a 3.7L V6 just like the one in the video? Stay tuned for the FULL step by step walkthrough of the Serpentine belt, Belt Tensioner, and Idler pulley replacement! I will include all the tools to complete this repair as well so you can save yourself $200 from having an auto repair shop complete the repair. Thank you for watching and SUBSCRIBE for MORE Auto Content! Remember to leave any questions in the comment section down below. Thank you again and enjoy the video!

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