Six months of being there for them, night and day... Now they can fly on their own....

169 Aufrufe
If you enjoyed the story and like this project please help us to continue ... donate via Paypal... [email protected] or at Deutsche Bank. Christian Rogers DE82120700240255924300

Like other artists, because of the restriction placed on us all due to Covid-19, we have lost all of our work. But not our purpose and that is why we are now telling these stories via this medium.
At the end of each story a teller would send round a Kashkul to the listeners who would throw in money for the teller and the tale. Our virtual Kashkul is to be found at Paypal... [email protected]

Achillea is a plant known for its properties to heal. The same can be said of storytelling and stories. We are professional oral storytellers who work with traditional tales which have things to tell us about who we are and why...

Thank you, Diolch yn fawr and Shukran.
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