Skrawki rozumu #6 Abortion. In conversations with Mara Clarke and Kasia Roszak-ten Hove #abortion

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In this episode we spoke with Mara Clarke, the founder of the Abortion Support Network in the UK and Kasia Roszak-ten Hove from Abortion Network Amsterdam about the very pragmatic side of abortion. We discussed current situation in Poland and in Ireland, the worst abortion laws in Europe, how the charity Abortion Without Borders brings help to those seeking abortion across EU and about possible ways of fighting the stigma. In this talk Mara and Kasia teach us about common misconceptions, empathy, their life long work in abortion charities, the logistics of helping those who were stripped from their right to legal and safe abortion in their home country, legalities, costs and difficulties and how to overcome even the most impossible obstacles, even in times of pandemic. You will find very important information in this podcast.
It's been a privilege.

Mara Clarke spoke briefly of her appearance on Mikhaila Peterson's podcast and why she had chosen particular examples for that talk.

Very important, informative and a very inspiring lesson.

In this video we have used artwork from Polish artists who support Strajk Kobiet. All the artwork was listed as 'open source'. We have accredited each poster with the name of its creator.

Please find below links to websites, organisations and articles mentioned in this talk. We hope that someone might find it useful.,100865,26436307,kobiety-nie-przestana-potrzebowac-aborcji-jestesmy-tu-dla-ciebie.html?fbclid=IwAR1APcmWUYa8-zMVR__6Cn13uJQ2QXGk0ph-pX8WEWgbFiIKOQRkSiEj--4&disableRedirects=true

#abortion #aborcja #MaraClarke #KasiatenHove #Abortionwithoutborders #AbortionSupportNetwork #AbortionNetworkAmsterdam #KobietywSieci #AbortonDreamTeam #CiociaBasia #Womenhelpwomen #StrajkKobiet #Repealthe8th #MartaLempart #MikhaolaPeterson #InherShoes #skrawkirozumu
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