SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences/ Yüksek Kaliteli Akademik Eğitim ve Kariyer Fırsatları

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IEFT Talks Webinar
Şimdi Webinar İle IEFT Talks Zamanı ! Sizleri Dünyanın En İyi Okullarıyla Online Seminerlerde Buluşturuyoruz...

IEFT Talks düzenli olarak ONLINE WEBINAR'lar düzenleyerek sizleri yurtdışında bulunan dünyanın önde gelen üniversiteleri, kolejleri, liseleri, dil okulları ve konsolosluk eğitim birimleri ile buluşturacağız. Webinar üzerinden okul yetkilileri ile tanışıp burs imkanları, üniversite kabul koşulları, yurtdışında eğitim ve yaşam gibi pek çok konuda sorularınızı sorup bilgi alabileceksiniz.
SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences is a private, state-recognised and accredited university located in Berlin, Dresden, and Hamburg. We offer top quality education following the CORE principle (Competence, Oriented, Research & Education). Our outstanding programs range from Engineering and Computer Science to Creative Arts and Business. Careers have changed drastically post Covid-19 and we'd like to highlight the importance of gaining new skills to fit the job market along with introducing some emerging careers in the field of technology and artificial intelligence.

The five schools of SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences combine modern management and entrepreneurship, media and creative industries, technology and IT, music and sound design in modern study programmes.

All schools focus on hands-on project work in small teams, individual learning experience, and personal supervision by lecturers with real business experience.

In short: learning according to the CORE principle.
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