Steam Summer Sale 2023 Is PERFECTLY BALANCED - Infinite Trading Cards = Infinite Free Games

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Wow another steam summer sale has arrived! Steam Summer sale 2023 is here and it is full of amazing discounts on amazing games like skyrim Standard edition, skiyrm Enhanced or even skyrim Anniversary. But today we will be showcasing an ongoing steam exploit that allows you to generate Unlimited free steam Trading Cards! This allows you to then sell the trading cards on the market for profit and use the wallet funds to get yourself free games on steam! Effectively infinite free steam keys. Now this does require refunding purchases and such which can be a complicated process but for the frugally minded amongst you getting an additional £5 off of a game is more than doable. Alternatively you can do the same exploit and use the trading cards to level up your account allowing for infinite steam levels similar to the grand corgi race of the steam summer sale 2018!

So Today The Spiffing brit once and for all discovers if the Steam Summer Sale is perfectly balanced or if perhaps Valve have gone too far and printing infinite steam trading cards and giving out free games might be a slight oversight on their end!

If you enjoyed todays video then be sure to checkout the steam exploits playlist which documents many of steams exploits:

What you have seen here today is part of a fantastic perfectly balanced series on youtube where I go from game to game and break them with wacky exploits to gain things like unlimited gold. If you enjoyed this then be sure to check out more. The style is similar to RT game and callmekevin in parts. A large influence on this series has come from Valefisk and The Killian Experience.

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Twitter: @thespiffingbrit

title: Steam Summer Sale 2023 Is PERFECTLY BALANCED - Infinite Trading Cards = Infinite Free Keys

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