Surveys in Covid-19 and Post Covid-19 Days || Frauke Kreuter

177 Aufrufe
*For a correction regarding a cited quotation at 10:57, please see below.

On 13.11.2020, we interviewed Frauke Kreuter, professor at LMU Munich and the Director of the JPSM at the University of Maryland, about online surveys and big data in the context of the pandemic's effects, as part of our study titled “Surveys in COVID-19 and Post-COVID-19 Days”.
The study is carried out as part of the collaboration between Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies and the UNFPA Turkey Country Office.

"Covid-19 Sırasında ve Sonrasında Araştırmalar" isimli çalışmamız kapsamında Maryland Üniversitesi Araştırma Metodolojisi Ortak Programı'nda direktör ve LMU Münih'te profesör olarak görev yapan Frauke Kreuter ile pandeminin etkileri bağlamında çevrim içi yapılan araştırmalar ve büyük veri üzerine 13.11.2020'de bir söyleşi gerçekleştirdik.
Bu çalışma Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü ve Birleşmiş Milletler Nüfus Fonu Türkiye Ülke Ofisi arasındaki iş birliği kapsamında yapılmıştır.

The study "Surveys in Covid-19 and Post Covid-19 Days" that also includes six expert interviews is available here:

Video Content:
0:00 Intro
0:36 Covid-19's effect on the proliferation of data collection modes
3:25 Sources of error in online surveys
6:59 Facebook Covid Symptom Survey and the use of social media data
10:57 Data availability of Facebook
14:02 Coverage and representativeness of the Facebook Covid Symptom Survey
16:52 Nonresponse bias in the Facebook Covid Symptom Survey
20:02 Levels of response rates in the Facebook Covid Symptom Survey
21:27 Could it be possible to enrich the data of the survey with the Facebook content of the users?
23:27 Is the research team considering a longitudinal dimension to the Facebook Covid Symptom Survey?
24:28 Using Facebook ads or Google ads to recruit respondents
28:53 Errors in big data and Total Survey Error framework
31:48 New exploitation of organic data to understand Covid-19 related matters
34:01 Big data era and the paradigm shift
35:57 Will big data bring an end to the classical surveys?
39:43 Research topics mostly affected by the pandemic
42:30 Will surveys go back to pre-Covid when the pandemic is over?
46:59 Ending

*The reference given as "Three Eras of Survey Research" by Bob Groves should instead be
Couper, M. P. (2013, December). Is the sky falling? New technology, changing media, and the future of surveys. In Survey Research Methods (Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 145-156).

**Alt yazıların Türkçe çevirisini açmak için video ilerleme çubuğu üzerindeki "Ayarlar"a girip İngilizce alt yazıyı etkinleştirdikten sonra aynı menüden "Otomatik Çevir"e tıklayarak Türkçe alt yazıyı seçebilirsiniz.

#Surveys #Covid #DataCollection
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