Swearing Bugs and Bullying Robots! | Grounded Early Access Gameplay

237 Aufrufe
Hello everyone! During editing, I realized just how many F bombs there were in this video, especially since i added audio for the bugs lol. If you wanna count them all be my guest but i'm sure there's a lot, so fair warning for those younger viewers! Trying a new game this week and taking a week off from the usual subnautica series. Although "Grounded" is in early access, i had a tons of fun playing and it would be even better with more friends. Sure it doesn't have much to it now but that's okay! Hope you enjoyed it and if you're interested in getting it for PC, i'll leave a link down below.

My Music channel:

Intro Song:
"Branch" by LuKremBo

Outro song:
"The Unknown" by me

Grounded Game:

#Groundedgame #Grounded
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