[TCTAP & AP VALVES 2020] Special Session I COVID 19 and Cardiovascular Disease

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TCTAP & AP VALVES 2020 Virtual

Special Session I: COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Disease
August 6, 1:10 PM ~ 2:30 PM

Moderator(s): Davide Capodanno, Duk-Woo Park
Discussant(s): Alaide Chieffo, Bill (Vasileios) Gogas (Gkogkas), In-Cheol Kim, Mamas Mamas

COVID-19 and Myocardial Injury
Lecturer: Roxana Mehran

COVID-19 and RAAS Inhibitors
Lecturer: David Joel Cohen

COVID-19 and Thrombotic or Thromboembolic Disease
Lecturer: Dominick J. Angiolillo
Corona Virus aktuelle Videos
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