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Apps & Games content ratings on Google Play
Content ratings for apps and games help you understand an app's maturity.

Ratings are the responsibility of the app developers and the International Age Rating Coalition (IARC). In South Korea, ratings have been approved by the Game Rating Administration Committee (GRAC).

Where to find content ratings
You can find content ratings for apps and games on the app's detail page under the app title.

To learn more about an app's content rating, tap Read more. This shows more information about the maturity level of the content, and the app's interactive features.

Where to find content ratings for instant apps
What content ratings tell you about an app or game
Content ratings have a few parts. Click the sections below to learn more.

Age-based rating & description
Interactive features
Tip: To learn more ways to find content that's appropriate for your family, including setting up parental controls, read the Parent Guide to Google Play.

Unrated apps
Not all apps in the Google Play store have a rating. Unrated apps are treated like high-maturity apps for the purpose of parental controls until they get a rating.

If you set up parental controls to restrict apps and games to a certain rating, you won't see any Unrated apps in the Play Store app.

Rating standards by country or region
Local ratings authorities maintain guidelines which are used to determine the maturity level of the content in an app.

The ratings you see in Google Play vary by country or region. Check your country or region below for more information.

North & South America
Europe & Middle East
Australia (Games only)
South Korea
Other countries
Related articles
Set up parental controls in Google Play
Parent Guide to Google Play
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