Tesla Rekord Zahlen China, Autopilot Texas Crash nicht Schuld!

145 Aufrufe
Heute schauen wir uns die Tesla Rekord Zahlen in China an, sowie auch den Autopiloten der wohl nach neuesten berichten nicht schuld am Texas Crash war.

Wenn euch dieser Kanal gefällt, lasst gerne ein ABO da.
Website: https://teslamag.de/​​​
Credit Giga Austin: Jeff Roberts https://www.youtube.com/user/peterdog...​
Credit Giga Shanghai: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxAmZPvFRAc7Bvqhig57mNQ
Financial Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and nothing presented by me is meant to be financial advise to the public. My opinion and ideas presented throughout the channel are purely my views and opinions and should not be interpreted as objective information. I recommend that you do your own research and due diligence as nothing presented on this channel is a recommendation to buy or sell securities. Remember not to assume that any facts and figures presented on this channel are precise.


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