Tesla Robot Testing Model 3 Vehicle Seats - #Shorts

220 Aufrufe
In this video we see Tesla robot testing Model 3 seats and how comfortable they are.

Some people think Tesla seats are the most comfortable seats. But others say the Tesla seats need some work.

It kind of looks like a robot army if you ease your eyes and don’t see the first two rows.

Must be nice to have foam to build all those seats when all other manufacturers (auto, rv, boats & upholstery mfgs) are struggling to get raw materials.

Tesla is often knocked for the quality of its vehicles, especially when considering the price.

"Few people have probably had the opportunity to tear apart a Tesla Model X seat to see what's inside. Even if they have somehow had such an experience, they may not have a dissected Mercedes seat for comparison. Thankfully, for people who want to know exactly what's inside a Tesla seat as compared to a luxury car seat, we have Dan and Lincoln Markham to fill us in," writes Inside EVs.


This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at https://twitter.com/torquenewsauto on Twitter and https://www.torquenews.com/ for daily automotive news.

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