Tesla Stock To 10X - Here's Why!

23 Aufrufe
Tesla share price to 10X says Ark Invest. Tesla stock has had a wild ride over the past 5 years. In 2020 the stock exploded over 1,000% in just 2 years, only to drop almost 75% over the next year.

However, the big question is… what is Tesla’s stock going to do from here? Is it still possible to get 10X returns in the next few years? Well, that is the topic of this video. In this video we will be looking at:

0:00 - Intro
1:42 - The Rise of Electric
3:03 - The Big Milestone
4:12 - The Big Price Prediction
6:06 - Robo-Taxi's
7:32 - The BIG One!
10:12 - Summary


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