Tesla Winter Battery Test: The TRUTH - Battery Drain IS REAL!

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Tesla Winter Battery Test: The TRUTH - Battery Drain IS REAL!This video was an experiment to see how much battery drain I get from colder outdoor temperatures. The temperature was 32F to 42F and I got pretty extreme battery loss from incorrect defrosting and freeway speeds at 65 MPH - 75 MpH. I should have use scheduled departure, but I did not. This is a 2020 Model 3 SRP WITHOUT the new water pump that the 2021 models now have. I still love my Tesla and it is perfect for me, but this video is mainly to help people decide if they really need a long range or if SRP is actually enough range for them. This video is specially about my Tesla Model 3 2020 Standard Range Plus (SRP), but will apply similarly to all EVs - Tesla Model S, Tesla Model X, Chevy Bolt, Porsche Taycan, Ford Mach E, etc... Battery Drain/EV Battery Drain
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