The lockdown will kill more people than the flu season alone

156 Aufrufe
Post by alovas1980. Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:48 am
"Strange coincidence.
People with chronic diseases and/or older than 65 years old get vaccinated in November 2019 In Lombardy. Some days later very severe strange pneumonias appear in people. And some months later 12213 people die from pneumonia like illnesses in Lombardy. In the meantime, 11447 people die from similar causes in rest of whole Italy.
I stumbled upon this article on Facebook:
I don’t speak Italian, but according to google translate:
Influenza vaccine: 185,000 doses ordered in Bergamo
21th of October, 2019
The 2019-2020 anti-flu and pneumococcal campaign organized by the Health Protection Agency and by the ASST of the province of Bergamo in collaboration with the Family Doctors will start on 4 November.
"… 185,000 doses of vaccine have been ordered this year …. The flu vaccination is offered free of charge to the following risk categories:
Persons aged 65 or over (born in 1954 and earlier);
chronic diseases affecting the respiratory system; diseases of the cardiovascular system; diabetes mellitus and other metabolic diseases; tumors; chronic liver diseases; kidney disease with chronic kidney failure;
There is also a TV report about is, it seems to me like an advertisement for flu vaccination.
And then I found this from 26th of march 2020:
Professor Remuzzi is the Director of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan.
Professor Remuzzi said in an interview last week that local doctors 'remember having seen very strange pneumonias [sic], very severe, particularly in old people, in December and even in November.'

He said: "These are rumors of a small number of people and impressions of a few doctors who however did not confirm to me that they had seen bilateral pneumonia before January."


Top Italian Researcher Reveals the Global Fraud of COVID-19
"Noted Italian professor Stefano Montanari has set the cat among the pigeons in criticizing a lot of the myths about COVID-19. A doctor of 40 years in the field, he said that all the barrier methods are as useful as mosquito netting made of wood. “Not only do the masks, the gloves and lockdown do nothing against the epidemic, but there never will be a vaccine” he said, explaining the devastation that’s cast a shadow over his country by the state of general deterioration of its healthcare system.

“What’s the point of wearing gloves, which are a veritable home for the virus, while our skin is intelligent? As for the masks, if the one wearing it is contaminated, he should change it every two or three minutes, otherwise it’s useless,” adding that “when an asymptomatic person is informed that he has COVID-19, he will be terrified and lock himself up, depriving himself of vitamin D, and will see his psychological state decline because of the loss of perspective and fears for his future.”

During the past ten years, Italian medicine has been destroyed; services, including entire hospitals, were shut down, he said, stressing that numerous healthcare professionals were let go, and the budget allocated for healthcare declined over this time, without mentioning the corruption that has eaten away at the State. “What costs 10 euros elsewhere costs double in Italy,” he said. “What little money was given to the healthcare sector was badly utilized. 27 million doses of swine flu vaccine ended up in the trash while there was no money for respirators,” adding that “Italian hospitals weren’t prepared for taking in patients suffering from complications of COVID-19”. “It was this incapacity that made the virus so dramatic.” “The problem isn’t if the virus already existed or not. I can’t say if it was produced in a laboratory or if it was caused by bats, but I can confirm that this virus mutates so rapidly that the pathogen propagated in Italy is not the same as the one in China or Germany."
Professor Montanari is categorical: “The number of deaths due to the virus is low, and the other deaths are due to other pathologies.” “If we were to test all the Italian population, we would see that half reacted positively to the virus because they developed natural antibodies, and all that is being said about the vaccine, in these conditions, is just posturing seeing that the virus mutates so rapidly that we won’t be able to follow the mutations and create the necessary vaccine each time,” adding that he is convinced that the vaccine for coronaviruses “is a big lie of the pharmaceutical corporations. I’m certain that they’ll end up imposing this new vaccine on the whole of the population, which will allow them to make billions of dollars”.
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