The opportunities of studying in Germany with BSBI

136 Aufrufe
This webinar was hosted by BSBI’s Communications Manager Jackson Netto and provided attendees with a comprehensive overview of recent trends in the German education system and life at BSBI, as well as general information on studying abroad.

Jackson was joined by panelists Sabastian Dyer, Marketing Director at BSBI and Anmol Kawatra, Student Council President and postgraduate student. Anmol discussed why so many students choose to study at BSBI and shared an insight into his own experiences.

The webinar provided information on preparing to emigrate, finding accommodation, BSBI’s application processes and the student support and services available. The webinar also informed attendees about how BSBI is managing the COVID-19 situation and the options available for students who are based abroad and interested in coming to Berlin to study.
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