The Overlap of Incident and Breach from a Privacy Perspective

134 Aufrufe
As the volume of personal and personally identifiable data increases, so has the number of regulatory requirements to protect the privacy of this information. Historically, businesses have employed standard, leading practices to defend and respond to cyber incidents and the breach of intellectual property or proprietary information. However, variations across the number of regional and international regulations is leading to confusion as businesses try to comply with these diverse data privacy mandates.

Watch as Robert Glaser of Advyz Cyber Risk Services and Dr. Stuart Lee of VMware discuss how companies are solving this conundrum, and what to expect in terms of a data privacy inspection or audit by a regulatory authority. They will also look at:
• Time frames and best practices for notifying a regulatory authority and any individuals affected by a breach or cyber attack
• The expectation for how the breach will be treated in the public domain
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