
The power of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Field | Healy World | Vikas Singh Tiwari

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Healy is an advanced pocket-sized German Device based on Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Science, and Cloud Computing. It is invented by a Berlin-based company Timewaver owned by German Scientist Mr. Marcus Schmieke in 2019. Healy is sold in India as a direct selling product from its Bangalore-based head office. It is FDA USA Cleared and Class IIa medical device in Europe. Healy can be easily operated by anyone using its mobile application and can be used by each member of the family. It possesses a quantum sensor in it, which identifies the frequencies needed by our cells, and then it provides those frequencies and microcurrents back to our body to optimize our cell membrane potential. Healy is very useful for Pains, Life Style Diseases, Chakra Balancing, Digital Nutrition, Learning, Relationships, Finance, Emotional and Mental Balance, Vastu, and much more. We can use it to support even animals and plants.
Vikas Tiwari, Call/ WhatsApp 8602159009, 8602179009

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