The real Fix to your gaming issues.(Steam is the Easiest way)

92 Aufrufe
Hey kids is me i am back with the milk.

I ran across alot of videos of these shamrock baiters for 360ce app. listen i dont know about it but it seems to be more test controller appish. it sucks for casuals and it just doesnt work. my mic broke so you cant hear my voice.

Step 1. Sekiro is a good game. but has horrible contoller aspects without steam. add it to your desktop(the entire folder).
Step 2. Open steam. add game as a non steam game bec it is the best way to force the controller config.
Step 3. open the settings of the game. (the tool sign). click manage then controller layout. pick your favorite. if you dont know steam will do it automatically.
Final Step. Open steam in big picture mode. before you boot up the game click manage shortcut. (config your controller again if needed). click controller options. force the steam in game thing on. run the game if you say your contoller config display by steam its all ready to go.

Ps you will have to keep opening the game like this so either buy it or suck it up. its very good no troubles. latency can be a bit of a hit. but it is not frequent.

PSS this is the best way for me so thats how i do it. those other videos for 360ce is fake and garbage. enjoy your milk.
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