The Shabs - I Feel Alive (Official Video)

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The Shabs - I Feel Alive
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"Our new music video is made up of over 130 clips sent in by friends and family and all the people who contributed to our recent crowd-funding campaign to help us cover costs we incurred after cancelling our recent European tour while we were on it, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Every single bit of support we've received, be it monetary, logistically or emotionally has really kept us going over the years and we love that we could involve so many of our supporters in this video.

'I Feel Alive' is a song about feeling stuck in a really dark place which can often make life seem hopeless, pointless and lonely. The overwhelming support that we've received through this tough time has perfectly highlighted how important it is to be there for each other. We appreciate every smile that's been put on our face by everyone in this video and we hope it brings many smiles to everyone else."

The Shabs is a Folk Punk band from Cape Town South Africa.The band is made up of Jon Shaban on guitar and vocals, Ryan McArthur on double bass and backing vocals and Jon Case on drums, as well as frequent collaborations with female vocalists. Each musician brings their own flare and flavour to the music, adding to the uniqueness of their fresh ‘’High Quality Folk Punk” sound.

Having gigged extensively across South Africa and Europe for the past 6 years they deliver a tight, captivating set that blends sincere, melodic sing-a-long folk with the raw energy and DIY ethos of punk rock. Drawing influences from artists such as Frank Turner, Erik Petersen and Against Me!, the band never ceases to get a crowd to throw their fists in the air and sing along to their anthemic tunes which have been described as honest, raw and easy to relate to.

Since the release of their debut album “Folk is Dead” in February 2016 they have toured relentlessly around South Africa (performing at festivals like Rocking The Daisies, Mieliepop, STRAB, Park Acoustics and FORR) as well as three very successful, 6-week European tours (UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Rep, Belgium) where they were favourites at festivals like Mighty Sounds (twice), No Borders No Nations, Earthquake and Ziva Ulice.

The Shabs:

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