This Patch (mostly) SUCKS - Bannerlord 1.2.0 Testing

49 Aufrufe
My disappointment is immense and my day is ruined.

0:00 - Intro
0:13 - Crash Fixes
0:36 - 6 New Campaign Maps
1:32 - New Bandit Hideouts
2:00 - Color Change for Armor
2:47 - New UI for Income
3:00 - Marriage Offer Info
3:19 - Siege Bug Fix
3:29 - Overview of New Targeting System
4:44 - Tactics Overhaul & Testing
6:56 - Rocks & Siege Equipment Kill, Not Just Injure
7:10 - Pushing Siege Ladders Off Walls
7:44 - Tavern Info
7:57 - Perk Fixes
8:20 - Roguery XP Fix
8:28 - Companion Stats Adjustment
9:18 - Pregnancy While Moving
9:44 - Kingdom Elimination Change
10:21 - Policy Fixes: Feudal Inheritance
11:01 - Policy Fixes: Precarial Land Tenure
11:27 - Policy Fixes: Land Tax
11:44 - Policy Fixes: War Tax
12:14 - Workshop Warehouses
12:52 - Smithing Modifiers & Exploit
13:46 - Governor Leaving Fief Bug Fixed
14:03 - Quest Fixes
14:16 - New Combat AI (It’s Terrible)
15:41 - Circle and Square Formation NOT Fixed FFS
16:56 - New Targeting System Testing: Archers
18:11 - New Targeting System Testing: Cavalry
19:44 - Patch 1.2.0 Overview

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