Tips Belajar Bahasa Inggris: Past Simple Tense in Historical Event

144 Aufrufe
Alhamdulillah video seri keenam selesai dibuat. Kali ini ibu melakukan literature research dari beberapa sumber diantaranya:
1. A History of Pandemics Part 1 by Lindsay K
Holiday Channel
2. Deadliest Plague of the 20th century: Flu of 1918 by Chromosome8 Channel
3. Harian Kompas tanggal 31 Maret 2020, repost by Galun Radjasunu
4. History follows a pattern every 100 years for pandemic diseases by Bulb Club Channel
5. How the Worls Bouchback from the Spanish Flu by History Time
6. Spanish Flu: a warning from history by Cambridge University
7. Spanish Flu vs COVID-19: An Australia Perspectice of Pandemic by ABC News In Depth
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