[Toronto Ethereum Developers Meetup] Antoine Toulme - Apache Tuweni

159 Aufrufe
This was Antoine Toulme's talk from the Toronto Ethereum Developers Meetup on May 27th, 2021. It was a detailed look into Apache Tuweni's "Why" and "How".

Antoine Toulme is an engineer at Splunk and Apache Tuweni. He joined our community call to tell us about Apache Tuweni, the Apache Software Foundation, how it is governed, how Apache is a great place to host open source projects, especially if you value the open source ethos, put community over code, and want to attract passionate developers.

Moreover, this talk goes over how Apache is prioritizing blockchain development by introducing the Apache Tuweni library that allows for the creation of various crypto applications like wallets, faucets, Ethereum clients, etc.

ChainSafe is helping to host the EDMTo event.
ChainSafe is a global leader in blockchain protocol and infrastructure development for Web 3.0.
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