Turk Turkelton - Needle [Habibi Bass]

151 Aufrufe
Artist : Turk Turkelton
Track : Needle
Release : V / A - Bounce Operators Vol. 2
Date : Mar 21
Label : Habibi Bass

Bounce Operators Vol.2
Shoutouts to all the great artists and friends involved in this project.
Bass can not be defeated by covid.
Handle with care y'all.

Turk Turkelton
Cologne, Germany.100% booty busting energy from this young producer/DJ, who you may recognize as a featured player in the FTP crew. Turk is not one to stick to one style, with bangers that span from melodic house hits to sweaty electro heaters. Expect the unexpected
Discography : https://www.discogs.com/artist/6079516-Turk-Turkelton
Soundcloud page : https://soundcloud.com/user-552360045
Bandcamp page : https://turkturkelton666.bandcamp.com

Habibi Bass
Leipzig, Germany.
Soundcloud page : https://soundcloud.com/habibibass
Bandcamp page : https://habibibass.bandcamp.com/music

Please support music and buy the release here. Artists have needs too. They are not Superheroes : https://habibibass.bandcamp.com/album/bounce-operators-vol-2

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