VIDEO371#02052022#AndyGlobe#Episode#Songcomposing #Change#Arrangments#Versions#Musicletter ! #Enjoy

162 Aufrufe
Hope you doing great everybody , I came up wtih the idea videos by my daily playing and #composing to make , #soundwise and stand wise enhanceable - but to my ears great to enjoy - Andy Globe - 2022- #Concerts , #Impro´s , #Compositions - Raw file - enjoy ! ( - #Artikel11 , #Artikel5GG - If somebody in that video don´t want to be there , just get at me please ! ) Everyone is heartly invited to share , to provide and to like my #videos !

If you want to tip or #donate my #account or what i ´m doing or just want to "fanpost" me , now or in the #future your heartly invited to !

Letters to:

Andreas Bauerheim
Eifelweg 5
71032 Böblingen


My Bankaccount :

#IBan :

DE 13 1001 0010 0479 0601 35

"Just tip the content - example : Fee to Andy Globe - Music "

By interrest :

Bankaccount stand Januar 2022 :

ca . 65 , 00 €


If you want to buy some #mellos or #riffs , or #arrangements feel free to #contact me !

[email protected]

My new offer and invention !!!!!!! :

If you want to have #Smashin (My curant CD ) , just get at me per #Email [email protected] . A CD goes for 5 to 10 € ! After income of the money to my bankaccount : #IBan : DE 13 1001 0010 0479 0601 35 ! (Andreas Bauerheim) You ll recieve an digital delivering ! I will send you the tracks plus cover to your e-mail.

Just get at me for detailed information if you like !

Of course you can pay later as well and of course in some cases i give one out for free or you can just listen to it in the internet !

Best Regards


For #concert or #business #requests as well for questions in musical terms like #Compositions , #Songs , #Melodies or #Arrangings :

[email protected]

#newSong #video #youtube #radio #twitter #facebook #wordpress #amazon #itunes #makingof #AndyGlobe #LosAngeles #London #Berlin #art #galerie #pictures #Ketron #Empiricallabs #Neumann #Moog #Montero #Smashin #Chandler #Music #Hits #Intensio #Huwai #Rme #Europe #Asia #America #Africa #Australia #Popmusic #Flamenco #Spanishguitar #Jazz #concerts #musicfestival #livemusic #irishpub #streetmusic #bars #restaurants #farmersmarket #howtomakeahit #melodien #universal #sony #warner #independent #singer #singing #producing #auftragskompositionen #singleproducing #comissionedcompositions #arranging #mixandmastering #founding #rock #musicblog #internet #charts #blog #iban #postbank
#Germany #Italy #France #England #Swiss #Austria #Belgium #Netherlands #Spain #Greece #Portugese #Denmark #Finnland #Norway #Europa #America #Asia #Africa #Australia #2022 #Guitarplaying #Improvising #Globestyle #Jamming #Concert #Enjoy #Newstylefounding #Newhit #Newwaystoplaytheguitar #1and2 #Arrangement #NewAlbum #itsaboutmusic #NewMello #NewHit #NewHarmonies #NewMusic #Gowiththesoulandspirit #Laterworkingout #Sonatestyle #Newhits #Beautifull #Megahit #Guitarstudy #Musicstudy #Sorryforcam #Guitarist #foundings #technics #study #Beautifull #Mellos #out #the #Jam #Composing #No1Hits #Beautifullmellos #Hitsandmellos #Radiomaterial @Wednesdaymarket #BB #newtechnicfounding #niceevergreen #recordingsession #founding #booth #NewMellos #Radio #Riffs #Guitar #Demo
#Beyoundthewellknown #Futurealbumstyles #Globestyles #BND #Newtracks #concert #freestyling #improving #Newstylefounding #Compositionletter #Guitarletter #letschangesomething #Roughmix #Demo2 #composing #writing #whatstheclue #Hill My #Song #Huwaihandyrecording #Guitar"lessons"or study my style with me #musicletter #Cycling#WeilderStadt#Sport#Healthieness#Sightseeing #beautifulldemos #demo #snippit #NewSong #Jammingon #Carla #chordsandstyle #c3g5am6fadd4c5e96amsus4 #thoughts #howtocompose #mythinking #littlemello #Megamellos #beautifullhit #dcem #versions #Berlin#LosAngeles #London#Miami #NewSong #1stversion #Demo #Hill #futuristicstyle #Mellos #Rythm #Stylefound #Concert#Jam #Megamello #Idea #protecting #Guitar #Composing #Whatabeautifullriff #Spain #uniquechords #movie #Hollywood
#Playingversions#Rythmfounding#Mellos #Wintertime #Improvisation #JustgowithGod #Founding #Outstandinghit #EAMCF#D #Arockclassic #Myself #IronMaiden #Fridaymarketjam #Böblingen #Alotofnewsongs #lastyear #studies #playingagainstthefeeling #Music #Takeiteasy #Jam #Concert #Lastyear #Canontheguitar #Foundingnewsounds #Composing#Newhit-#AmGCDmCGAMDmCGAM #Deepvoice#Freejam#Gerussia#Russia #Opera #Worldwide #musicletter#fingerings#naturalcomposing #e2e4voicing#thoughtstoguitar #Funny#Cointravel #Doyoueverhadthiscoinaswell #Whereareyounow #Demo#DevelopingnewStyles #NewSongs #physicfriendly#guitarplayingmyway #Blinkers#Onthisworld#Jam#Concert#Smashin#Lastyear #Streethellos#Newstyletryout #Rubberstyle #laterexplaining #Freestyling #Followthevibe
#Allradio #radioalike #ideagiver #guitartalk #explaning #globestyle #NoSlave#Jamversion#Pickstrumm #AndyGlobe#Change#Productionversion#Voicesetting #Arranging#musicletter #livebook
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