W2D1 Bayesian Statistics Tutorial 1: Part 1

146 Aufrufe
Description: We discuss the goals of the day, introduce the concept of cue combination, and Gaussian distributions, culminating in the implement a Gaussian exercise.

We thank Prakriti Nayak for editing this video, and Ari Dorschel for manually editing the English captions, and Yang Lin for Chinese translations, and Alicia Alonso-Andres for Spanish translations.

Tutorial Link: https://colab.research.google.com/github/NeuromatchAcademy/course-content/blob/master/tutorials/W2D1_BayesianStatistics/student/W2D1_Tutorial1.ipynb
Playlist Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkBQOLLbi18NmYKYd6AjspUPnlys9R3R0

Neuromatch Academy (NMA) is a massive, interactive, online summer school experience spanning from hands-on modeling experience to meta-science interpretation skills across just about everything that could reasonably be included in the label "computational neuroscience". We're a group of neuroscientists from around the globe who have run smaller, in-person summer schools in the past, but created NMA in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Website: https://neuromatch.io/academy/
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