Wake Up with the Consciousness Cafe with Rev. Christie Hardwick and Nadine Smith (8.26.20)

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Hello Friends! Welcome to SoulCall Ministries. We offer experiential programs and classes both online and in person which explore the Art and Science of world philosophies integrating Spirit~Mind~Body. Recognizing that there are as many paths to the infinite as there are beings on the planet, SoulCall offers a “menu” of practical tools for personal growth, transformation and connecting to the inner source of Bliss in the Soul.

New to SoulCall Ministries? If so, here's what you need to know -- SoulCall Ministries welcomes you to explore the path back to your Soul, your sacred enter. What if you already have all you need to fully realize the bliss of being alive? All we need do is remember is to WAKE UP!

Where else you can find SoulCall:

OUR WEBSITE: https://www.soulcallministries.org/

INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/soulcallministries

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