Webinar 12 - Road out of COVID: sharing best practice in rail presented by Bernard Tabary

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The Covid-19 virus spread rapidly across the globe, causing major disruptions and unprecedented restriction measures across many countries, regions and cities. The lockdowns and travel restrictions affected public transport, forcing some services to either reduce their activity or operate as usual in very different environments, requiring the whole industry to adapt. Around the world, passenger numbers declined by 70 to 90% – a strong decrease in patronage but also a heavy financial blow for operators and transport authorities. And Keolis networks were not spared.

To face this difficult situation, Keolis partnered with public transport authorities to ensure services for essential workers, support the community and provide a healthy and safe environment for its staff. As restrictions start easing, whether in China, Germany, Denmark, France, US or Australia, Keolis is preparing for the gradual return to regular activities and has implemented all measures to provide reassurance and optimal safety for all: extra cleaning and disinfection of vehicles and infrastructure, encouragement to wear masks when appropriate, respect of social distancing, development of digital solutions. Restoring trust in public transport is our top priority. In accordance with each PTA and local government, Keolis aims to use this opportunity to encourage change in mobility behaviours, increase the efficiency and integration of shared mobility options and support the development of active transport.
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