We're moving to Germany

122 Aufrufe
Flying from Utah to Germany during COVID restrictions with our toddler was a challenge, but we made it! But before we could board any of our flights we had to get a rapid COVID test the day before and it cost a lot of $$$. We are really excited that this day finally has come and that we made it to Germany without any delays!

If you are planning a flight to Germany from, our advice is to avoid going through the Netherlands, simply because their COVID testing requirements are more restrictive than those for Germany (yes, even if you are just there for a layover). Thanks for being here!

VIDEO 7 of our Moving to Germany Series. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date on our international adventure!!

INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/ourstory2tell/
WEBSITE - https://ourstorytotell.com​​

Panasonic LUMIX GH5 4K Digital Camera - https://amzn.to/2KD4ttE​​
Panasonic LUMIX Professional 8-18mm lens - https://amzn.to/2WwG7nS
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