What Will HAPPEN To GPU Miners After ETHEREUM 2.0?

163 Aufrufe
Have YOU Been Upgrading Your GPUs For Mining? https://geni.us/YgkW
What Is Ethereum 2.0? https://consensys.net/blog/blockchain-explained/what-is-ethereum-2/
ProgPoW Draft In The Works! https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/2640
Red Panda Mining NEW Merch! USA - https://www.amazon.com/shop/RedPandaMining?listId=1SJ6SER5VPE6P
Europe - https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?rh=n%3A83450031%2Cp_4%3ARed+Panda+Mining&ref=bl_sl_s_ap_web_83450031
Germany - https://www.amazon.de/s?rh=n%3A77028031%2Cp_4%3ARed+Panda+Mining&ref=bl_sl_s_ap_web_77028031

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BTC - 3PiiAsdju5FB2Ktv76MUmiQBv3e7vuzsrh
ETH - 0x3382781b7705bf4f83aed068ec4fdee9a19e87b3
ETC - 0x167E8034783f5A129D5736Df78989576b8A25c58
LTC - LKgefFCkYygnTyFy46uxD5iXU6a6CBoUDK
RVN - RC3uczoNJfQEx7P43cRYyWLETMn1V4msn4

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Buy GPU's Here? - https://geni.us/46Bo1

Favorite GPU For Mining: https://geni.us/MaOtD
Best/Safest/Reliable Risers: https://geni.us/IYALlmg
Best Motherboard for Mining IMO: https://geni.us/Z9JE4v
Recommended CPU Needed: https://geni.us/c49vFP
Safest RAM Needed 4-8GB: https://geni.us/dwOB
Favorite PSU for Mining: https://geni.us/SqWl

My Favorite Book - "The Bitcoin Standard": https://geni.us/NH5spNd

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Disclaimer - This is not financial advice and do your own research. Everything said is from my point of view and for entertainment purposes.

#CryptoMining #Ethereum #GPUMining
ethereum Kryptowährung
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