When Do I Sell My Bitcoin?

166 Aufrufe
In this video, I discuss the binary path that I believe Bitcoin is destined to take. It will either fail as a project and go to zero, or it will succeed and become some form of global money.

I plan on holding my Bitcoin until one of those two things happen, or I die first.

If Bitcoin succeeds and starts trading in the millions, it implies a market cap that is comparable to those of major currencies today, like the US dollar. If Bitcoin reaches these levels, it will basically be real money, and there will be no need to sell it for vastly inferior fiat money. You will certainly be able to spend it anywhere you currently spend your US dollars or other fiat currency.

If you hold Bitcoin up until your death, your heirs will benefit from a stepped-up cost basis, which will reduce their taxes if they ever decide to sell.

If you and your heirs hold your Bitcoin forever, you will certainly outlast the IRS and the US Federal government, which is printing its way into oblivion.

Not investment advice! Consult a financial adviser.

Bitcoin is like a Picasso painting:

US M2 money supply:

Stepped-up cost basis:

Matthew Kratter is the author of the Amazon best-seller "A Beginner's Guide to the Stock Market":

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