Where the skies are always clear

143 Aufrufe
Remember to subscribe to the channel - https://bit.ly/35GmJal​​ and visit https://adrianearnshaw.com​ for more tips trips and music.

This video demonstrates my use of the Granular Dreams patch library for #omnisphere. The patch library is brought to you by Stingray Instruments and you can get your copy here https://stingrayinstruments.com/product/granular-dreams/ The drums come from my own sample library collection and are not part of this patch library.

The patch library does lend itself towards the more #ambient side of the #electronic #music spectrum. There are some great drones in the patch library, which can set up a really nice soundscape on which to build. This demo track is firmly in the mould of the Berlin School of music with a very distinctive nod towards Tangerine Dream.

The track was created and mixed inside Steinberg Cubase 11 Pro. A touch of light mastering was added to the track, just to give it that lift in certain areas of the frequency spectrum.

So, sit back relax and chill on these hot summer evenings to Where the skies are always clear.
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