WHO IS MINA? why I chose the concept of 'through the eyes of mina' l Q&A

111 Aufrufe
I’ve been asked so many times why I chose to call myself Mina on all my socials even though my real name is Marij. So, here is the explanation. I thought sharing my life as a university student and my inspiration through the eyes of my alter ego Mina could be a concept that would work for me. Like that, Mina’s character is not constructed by me but by you watching me through the filter of social media. To get to know each other I’m also doing a little Q&A with some questions inspired by 'wearenotreallystrangers'.
love, Mina 

- what are you most excited for this month?
- what is the most valuable lesson covid time has taught you so far?
- what is the nicest thing you have done for yourself last week?
- how would you describe your relationship with yourself in one word?
- 3 things you always have in your bag?
- how do you recharge?
- what is the worst assumption anyone has made about you?
- what do you need right now?
- make a mental playlist. which 3 songs have to be on it?
- how are you, really?

IG https://www.instagram.com/eyesofmina/ 
Pinterest https://www.pinterest.de/eyesofmina/_saved/ 
Email [email protected]

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