Why 2nd Lockdown In Bangladesh??? || Bangladesh || BEHIND The AnalysisTube || 04.04.2021

156 Aufrufe
Bangladesh Imposes 7-Day Total Lockdown From April 5. In This video I have try to explain why Bangladesh government want to imposes another lockdown in Bangladesh. Most of time Bangladesh current government raising a issue to cover another issue and this lockdown is the example of one of them.

On the first point I have tried to to explain lack of transparency of COVID-19 infected people and government mal practising the information for their benefit. 2nd most important that, government want to stop Hefazat-e-Islam protest against. In this video third point is that, Awami League want to regain their power which they have lose recent days, for this process they are using paid and biased media. Also they want to give death fear environment.

Fourth point is that, what is the effect of lockdown on Bangladesh because Bangladeshi people already have experienced during 1st lockdown. I have also compared with a developed country who are still now in Lockdown from last five months. On the last part, I have mentioned the immunity system our peoples and want to bring a solution but ending is not like a movie because solution should find by everyone by their self.


00:00 Introduction
00:32 Lack of Transparency of COVID-19 infected people in Bangladesh
01:58 Awami League Want To Stop Hefazat-e-Islam Protest
03:10 Awami League Want To Regain Their Power
05:06 Effect of Lockdown in Bangladesh
09:24 Compared With One Developed Country
12:20 How Strong Immunity System of Bangladeshi People
13:41 Solution and Conclusion

Realated Web link:
01. https://www.statista.com/statistics/375203/gross-domestic-product-gdp-growth-rate-in-germany/
02. https://www.google.com/search?q=corona+germany&rlz=1C5CHFA_enDE938DE938&oq=cor&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j46i39i175i199j0i67l4j0i67i457j0i402j0i67.1231j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

109. Why 2nd Lockdown In Bangladesh??? || Bangladesh || BEHIND The AnalysisTube || 04.04.2021: https://youtu.be/JyOhyPt7X84
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C. Talk Without Analysis Feb. 2021: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYQhfJ2c2S6Avt_5Upb0Oo3nMbZQdlLd1
B. Talk Without Analysis, Jan. 2021:
A. Bangladesh Review:

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01. Travel YouTube Channel, Lutfur Rahman Bulbul: https://www.youtube.com/c/LutfurRahma...​
02. Criticism YouTube Channel, BEHIND The Analysis Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/BEHIN...
03. Lutfur Rahman Bulbul:

BEHIND The AnalsisTube:
This channel has created to tell the thought of general people that is the beginning of democracy. Especially I would like to criticise the current government of Bangladesh with general logical thought and against corruption. I would like to see corruption-free Bangladesh and keep on top of real and sustainable development.

Don't have any political intention and 100% thought is that, how can develop our beloved county 'THE BANGLADESH'.
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