Why Whatifalthist is a Failed Historian: Debunking his WEIRD Communism Video

72 Aufrufe
Self-styled historian Whatifalthist decided to broach the subject of Communism in a meandering 50-minute long video that touches on ancient magic, gnosticism, femininity and a lot of other topics, but seemingly never delves into any Marxist texts! You don't have to agree with any communistic ideology, agree with any of the economic analysis or even be left-wing to understand how his video is tendentious and with very little connection to material reality.

If you enjoy the video, please leave a like, I'm told it helps. If you have questions or suggestions please leave a comment, I do my best to read them all!

0:00 Introduction
1:35 Method
4:52 Debunking Starts
10:47 Irish Potato Famine
12:22 Communism and Rural Countries
13:01 "Darwinism"
14:17 Communists Don't Think About How Money is Produced
14:40 "K*ll the Rich"
18:04 He Did Not Read Marx
19:15 Men We Respect
21:25 Antisemitism
26:04 Death Toll Olympics
28:01 Religion
32:31 How to K*ill Communism

-- Bibliography:
ADL, "Kevin Macdonald Backgrounder" November 2013
C. Armstrong, "The North Korean Revolution, 1945-1950" (2004) [Armstrong has been caught for plagiarizing and other gross offenses, so here's a CIA source as an alternative: Central Intelligence Agency Foreign Assessment Center, "Korea: the economic race between the North and the South" (1978): (https://books.google.no/books?id=WBZNvgAACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false) Retreived 20.06.2023 ]
B. Bauer, "The Jewish Question (1843)
B. Berkowitz, " 'Cultural Marxism' Catching On", in SPLC Intelligence Report, 2003 Summer Issue
C. Dreher, "Spengler and the Third Reich" (1939), in Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring 1939 Issue
E. Durkheim, "The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life" (1915)
A. Einstein, "Why Socialism?", Monthly Review, May 1949
F. Engels, "Principles of Communism" (1847)
F. Engels, K. Marx, "The Communist Manifesto" (1848)
R. Evans, "Lying About Hitler: History, Holocaust and the David Irving Trial" (2001)
A. Gat, "War in Human Civilization" (2006)
R. Griffin, "The Nature of Fascism" (1991)
C. Kinealy, et. al., "The Great Irish Famine" (2018)
K. Marx, "Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right" (1843)
K. Marx, "On the Jewish Question" (1844)
K. Marx, "Marx to Engels in Manchester" from Marx-Engels Correspondence 1862 on Marxists.org (retrieved 16.06.2023)
K. Marx, "Marx-Zazulich Correspondence February/Marc 1881" Marxists.org (retrieved 18.06.2023)
K. Marx, "Capital: Critique of Political Economy Vol 1, Penguin Classics Edition" (1992)
S. Kim, "Everyday Life in the North Korean Revolution 1945-1950" (2013)
John Lenin, "Imagine" (1971)
Saed, "Anti-Communism and the Hundreds of Millions of Victims of Capitalism" in Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 32, 2021, Issue 1.
A. Tooze, "Wages of Destruction" (2006)
K. Thomas, "Clinton Era Conspiracies! Was Gennifer Flowers on the Grassy Knoll? Probably Not, But Here Are Some Other Bizarre Theories For a New Political Age" (1994) Washington Post Jan 16th Issue.
M. White, "Atrocities" or "The Great Big Book of Horrible Things" (2011)

- Music:
DIsco Elysium, Whirling in Rags Day & Night (2019)

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