Worship March 21, 2021

168 Aufrufe
We are thankful you are here worshiping  online with Ashland Christian Church !

We are  live streaming  worship services Sundays at 11:00 am during the  COVID-19 pandemic. Subscribe to our channel to get notifications about future worship services. 

VISIT the Ashland Christian Church website: https://www.ashlandchristianchurchva​...​....

ONLINE GIVING/ TITHE: Ashland: https://www.tinyurl.com/ACC-online-gi...​...  

To GIVE to: Week of Compassion: Your tax deductible gift to Week of Compassion enables us to respond to disasters, support global development projects, and bring hope to refugees and displaced people all over the world. Whether you make a one time or recurring gift, we will make sure that your donation is put to good use--from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth!  https://www.weekofcompassion.org/dona...​...

Hanover Habitat: https://www.hanoverhfh.org/champion/?...​...

You are also invited to share your resources of non-perishable food with ACES (Ashland Christian Emergency Services). You can drop off your donations to ACC 301 S James St Ashland, VA 23005 Tuesday, Wednesday & Sunday mornings before noon. There will be a rubbermaid by the office door. 

You can also donate food to  Collections for Community Every Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. @ the Patrick Henry Family YMCA Donations must be left outside of the building, not inside. A bin will be labeled “Donated community items go here! Thank you!” At the end of each day, staff will collect items and bring them inside the branch. At the end of each week, staff will deliver items to the appropriate organization.*All items will be sanitized before being delivered. Drop off these needed items at the front door of your local YMCA and we’ll make sure they get where they’re needed most.
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