Worst Game On Steam? - Ma3

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The latest game on Worst Game On Steam is a GTA clone called Ma3. As far as GTA clones go, this one is up there with Streatham Hill Stories. Ma3 is a new game so of course there are going to be some issues here and there but it's beyond repair. To be fair, Ma3 is hilarious for all the wrong reasons but is it the Worst Game On Steam? No, there are, believe it or not, far worse games.


I'm WickedWiz from the What Went Wrong series coming at you with some of the most cursed indie games on Steam. This new series is for games that are so bad, that they're actually good. Worst Game On Steam, is a question that hopefully turns out to be false each time. These are games that won't fit the longer form What Went Wrong videos.
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