XIO Toll vs. Ethereum Gas vs. Y Combinator | What Rate Should We Set?

181 Aufrufe
In this video, we breakdown what the XIO Toll is and why it is needed to sustain the Network. In the comments below, please let us know:

1) Should we keep the name "Toll" or use something else? If something else, what should we call this Stake fee?

2) What Rate should the XIO Toll be? If set too low, XIO Citizens that maintain the Network may be discouraged and the XIO Token Treasury may have a hard time retaining value. If set too high, Startups and token suppliers may not be motivated to participate.

We would like to clarify that this "Toll" is not paid by the Stakers of the Network. Citizens of the Network will always receive 100% of the amount of tokens they stake. This fee is paid by the Startups and token suppliers, if and only when a successful stake has been made.

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