
XOXO Ethereum Smart Contract Introduction

371 Aufrufe
Be ready to go at 6 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York City).

The countdown timer is here: http://xoxo.run/

Time Zone Converter https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

Please be ready to go with at least 0.1 Ethereum in your wallet to get started with XOXO as soon as they go live. Time and speed are very important with how this global smart contract will fill out.

Video explaining Smart Contract is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE2HxTmxfrI&t=95s

Once you sign up please come back to this form and put your link so others may sign up with you.

Here is the link to find the XOXO PDF presentation: #Ethereum #SmartContract #XOXO


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Disclaimer: To appease money-hungry lawyers and irresponsible people, it should be known that I AM NOT A LICENSED FINANCIAL ADVISOR and THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. I am merely educating and entertaining. What you do with your own money is your own responsibility. NOTHING WITHIN THIS VIDEO OR ON MY SITES SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FINANCIAL ADVICE AS IT’S ALL A MATTER OF PERSONAL OPINION ONLY.
ethereum Kryptowährung
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