명품의 나라 이탈리아 회사 순위 (Italian Company Rankings in the Land of Luxury)

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명품의 나라 이탈리아
역시 명품과 디자인의 나라답게 브랜드 TOP10 순위에 든 회사들의 대부분 명품회사 들입니다.
우리한테 생소한 회사들은 산업계에서 유명한 다국적기업들입니다
Enel : 전력과 가스유통사, Eni : 이탈리아 최대 석유회사, Generali : 세계 3번째 보험사
TIM : 우리나라로 치면 SK텔레콤, Poste Italiane(우체국), UniCredit : 금융사

Despite the high marketing effectiveness of the 50 Italian brands, the economic value of image and reputation is much lower than that produced in France and Germany.
The value of Italy's top 50 brands rose 6 percent in January 2020, but since the beginning of this year, the loss of 14 percent from Corona Virus has been estimated at 1.9 billion euros.
Is the crisis at Covid-19 causing significant changes to consumers? To prevent further economic losses, brands should question their brand strategy.
Gucci is still an Italian brand with the greatest economic value.
Gucci, Enel and Generali brands are the brands with the highest absolute value, with Maserati, TIM and Eni suffering the biggest losses.
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