[Analysis] Who will Moon meet first, Biden or Xi?

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By Do Je-hae Now that President Moon Jae-in has spoken with U.S. President Joe Biden via telephone, the biggest question in Korea's diplomatic community is when the two leaders will meet each other in person.Following the first talks between the two leaders Feb. 4, the presidential office said they had agreed to get together for a summit as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic was better under control. But the White House readout on the phone conversation did not mention anything about a summit, although Cheong Wa Dae later explained that Biden expressed a wish to meet in person with Moon. "U.S. President Biden mentioned the importance of a face-to-face conversation," a presidential source said. Korean leaders in the past visited the U.S. within about 50 days of the inauguration of a new U.S. leader. Therefore, speculation is rising that Seoul will try to arrange a Korea-U.S. summit as soon as possible, particularly given that President Moon's diplomatic priority for the remainder of his presidency will be resuming talks between the U.S. and North Korea to move his "peace process" on the Korean Peninsula forward. The commitment to resuming U.S.-North Korea talks and improving inter-Korean ties was reaffirmed by foreign minister nominee Chung Eui-yong, who as Moon's first national security advisor oversaw Moon's summitry with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in 2018, starting with the April 27 summit at the inter-Korean border village of Panmunjeom. "We will direct all diplomatic capacity toward establishing a real foundation for progress on North Korea's denuclearization through an early resumption of talks between the U.S. and North Korea, and will coordinate a strategy with the new U.S. administration," Chung said at the start of a nomination hearing at the National Assembly, Friday. "We will pursue exchanges between the two leaders and high-level officials at an early date in order to build trust and establish policy consensus."One of the most pressing questions facing Moon's summit diplomacy is whom he will meet with first in person, Biden or China's Xi Jinping, in what is largely regarded as the final year of the South Korean leader's presidency. The first six months are particularly considered crucial, as the current administration will start to lose relevancy once the campaign season officially begins in the latter half of the year ahead of the presidential election in March 2022. The order of precedence in Moon's exchanges with the U.S. and Chinese leaders has gained keen attention amid the Washington-Beijing strategic competition. Moon's Jan. 26 phone conversation with Xi raised eyebrows as it came before Moon had talked with the new U.S. president. Such a conversation, amid arrangements that were being undertaken for the first Moon-Biden phone talks, has triggered criticism from many diplomatic experts that it went against Korea's diplomatic tradition.It will most likely be Biden that Moon meets first as prospects still remain unclear for Xi's
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