AP Webinar Series: Turning Data into Insights | C2RO - The Google Analytics of the Physical Space

198 Aufrufe
“Turning #Data into #Insights” features C2RO’s Founder & CTO, Dr. Soodeh Farokhi, and SAP VP of Product Strategies, Aaron Garber presenting for the first time the extended #360 #DataAnalytics package offered by #C2RO and #SAP in a strategic partnership.

This 30-minute session includes the demo aimed to help #retailers optimize #StoreOperation, boost #StorePerformance, and ensure #StoreSafety. Learn how unknown store traffic can be turned into paying customers by reusing existing in-store #SecurityCameras and powering them with C2RO’s #GDPR-compliant #AI #VideoAnalytics solution, and SAP’s operational data.

#instoreOperations #RetailPerformance, #EmployeeSafety
#RetailAnalytics #RetailTrends #DataAnalyticsTrends

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