BF2042 not launching from STEAM ONLY FIX!!

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Well i will admit now that i found this fix by total accident. I have been trying to fix BF2042 not launching for a while now and i was really so close to giving up. This is what i had done so far....

So the only way i have been able to fix my issue is to uninstall my steam version and purchase into EA Play and install the version on the EA App, it launches fine from this now, the only problem i have now is that i have a full purchased version on steam i can no longer use and i have to keep paying 3.99 a month to be able to play it on the EA App. Disappointing way to fix or work around the no launch problem and still out of pocket but at least i can play the game now.

Okay well an update on this fix is that nope still not fixed, i was able to play plenty then yesterday every time i try and launch the game it comes up with 'an error on our end caused the launch to fail, try again a little later' Okay so EA are stating it's their error so what the hell??? I want to play the game i purchased originally, that didn't work so i bit the bullet and started paying 3.99 a month to be able to play the game via EA Play and now that's stopped working wtaf i am giving you more money than the game is worth and it wont work!!

*New idea - Install on steam as well as it being installed on EA App, i noticed the icon in EA App shows the game as being on steam so maybe that's why it wont launch now, it doesn't even give me the option to uninstall it like all other games on EA App. Hopefully this will work. - Result = not able to launch!

Right so during last night while i was trying all of the suggested fixes again to get BF2042 to launch i think i incidentally found the issue and fixed it and since then (touch wood) it has been fine, even if it was only a day ago. Check out the video it may help especially if you have tried everything like myself.

I performed a Steam folder repair (not suggested anywhere online) and believe it or not it worked!!

I do hope this works for people experiencing the same issue when trying to launch BF2042 from Steam and it just won't. I am no professional at doing these fixes so i hope i have explained enough to people that they can follow and hopefully resolve the issue they are having too. Thanks.
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