Building the Next Disruptive Startup | Scott McNealy | Plenary Session | #NPC2021

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Mr. Scott McNealy, Co-Founder, and Board Member, Curriki, in his Fireside Chat at NASSCOM Product Conclave #NPC2021 focuses on the key imperatives of building the next disruptive startup. He shared learnings from his entrepreneurial journey and how a crisis is the best time to build a company, talks about the leadership principles to prioritise and sectors to focus for disruption and also shared tips for startups.

This session was moderated by Mr. Bhaskar Pramanik, Independent Board Member and Start-up Mentor.

About #NPC2021:

17th edition of NASSCOM Product Conclave (NPC) is the platform which has played key role in shaping the growth of Indian ecosystem of technology products and startups over years. As we see new disruptions in all our lives and business in last few months, NPC has been disrupted as well, moving to a complete virtual experience over 3 days of the event. #NPC2021 showcased the theme Reimagine Next.

Leveraging the virtual nature of NPC this year, the content curation and speaker selection was aligned to what practitioners and aspirants of technology would look for. This year, NPC had a large focus on trends and global perspectives building around Re-Imagining technology in years to come.

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