Coping with COVID-19 - International Perspectives (Columbia)

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The global pandemic of COVID-19 has left no country untouched and has already affected the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Yet around the globe, governments and societies have been reacting very differently. Lockdown or open borders, quarantine or free movement, #stayathome or #donotpanic, indifference or calmness, anxiety or discretion, exaggeration or cautiousness? What situations did the countries find themselves in when they were hit by the pandemic? What strategies are the national governments applying? What is the role of society? What is the public opinion and are there examples of best practice? In this series of online discussions, we will explore these questions with the country representatives of KAS and discuss the pandemic’s future implications on the economic, political and social life in the respective countries.

Stefan Reith
Representative, KAS Colombia
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