Covid-19 and the Future of Global Value Chains

183 Aufrufe
The Covid-19 pandemic created a major shock to the global economy. The ramifications of this shock reverberated through global value chains to reach workers and sites of production throughout the world. These ramifications are both short and long term. In the short term, the crisis was a major shock for developing economies particularly those who rely on exports through GVCs as global lead firms cancelled orders and workers were terminated often with very little protection.

The ramifications of the crisis, however, could go deeper than the short to medium term shock. The Covid-19 pandemic came at a moment in which processes of globalisation were being challenged by a decline in multilateral institutions and the growing political and economic unpredictability in the world. What global economy would emerge from the pandemic is not clear yet and what are the implications particularly for developing countries. This webinar aims to examine the future of global value chains in a post-Covid world and how could a restructuring of the global economy shape the position of suppliers and workers in developing countries.


Stephanie Barrientos (University of Manchester)
Dev Nathan (Institute for Human Development)
Rory Horner (University of Manchester)
Raphael Kaplinsky (University of Sussex)

Chair: Shamel Azmeh (University of Manchester)
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