Covid 19 epidemic in Germany will end in 22 Days

169 Aufrufe
Covid-19 index reports epidemic states in real time. Using this index I estimated that Covid-19 epidemic in Germany will end in 22 days (02.03.2021). Epidemic is a story about an infecting virus and two kinds of people: Healthy (asymptomatic) and sick (symptomatic)
Asymptomatic corona virus carrier is a healthy infected person. Lacks any symptoms of disease (hence the name asymptomatic). He was discovered for the first time during Covid-19 epidemic.TwtRising number of infections (cases)
Two processes shape the epidemic Rising number of infections (cases and Rising number of asymptomatics Covid-19 index, that was developed by me, reports epidemic states in real time. It reports also the distance of a state from epidemic end (attractor) No other measure has similar properties
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