CSA network development in Czech Republic - Jana Koznarova

160 Aufrufe
Jana Koznarova (Czech Republic)

“CSA network development in Czech Republic”

I lived and worked in the center of ecological education and I worked as a lecturer of environmental education for pupils, teachers and the public for five years. I started work for an Association of local food initiatives in September 2017. Together with my amazing colleagues, we coordinate CSA food initiatives, we are making workshops and consulting, map of the farmers and CSA and educate children and adults. I used to manage a European project Solid Base Erasmus + for the Czech Republic. There we were creating models of financial self-sufficiency and financial sustainability for farmers and coordinators of CSA together with our colleagues from Hungary, Germany, Belgium, Austria, and Poland. In 2019, my colleagues and I renewed the idea of setting up a national CSA network and we are still working on it together. I also work as an auditor and consultant in the international project Eco-school and in the organization KOKOZA, which is a focus on education and education of the public in the topic of community gardens, community composting in the town and vermicomposting. There I ́m currently coordinating the project Food loop to schools including workshops for students, teachers and I ́m creating a guide for teachers on how to start how to integrate a closed cycle of food into educational processes and life at school. https://www.asociaceampi.cz/ https://kpzinfo.cz/

Presentation from the conference “Launching Community-Supported Agriculture in Ukraine” 27.02.2021: https://visegrad.permakultura.sk/csa/
Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YJHZABuRc0ooruaqhHeiWTEg0frHPRD1/view?usp=sharing
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