CyberChain MLM Business on Tron Network #CyberRealEstate #MLM #OnlineBusiness # Tron # CyberChain

146 Aufrufe
CyberChain PDF:

You'll Need or a Mobile to Interact With the Contract

CYBERCHAIN´s unique algorithm has been designed with the community in mind, we have developed the ultimate matrix where everyone supports everyone.

When all 12 position have been completed by any of the above entering one of the 12 postions in your matrix, you have cycled that matrix level and received a total of 600%, return minus 100% for an automated re-cycle leaving you with 500% return

The automated re-cycle allows you to continue to open a new matrix on that level every time is completes so you can recevie unlimited donations from the community

*Imortant to know that when you have cycled on a level, if you do not donate to the next level the current will freeze and any donations to those positions will flow up to qualfied upline


There are 12 levels of 3x2 matrixes that you can participate in, each having a higher cost of donation, but also allows for higher donations from the community. You can donate to one after the other as you complete a cycle, or you can donate to as many as you want at once as long as they are.


From each level you receive a 500% return
The first 7 levels in cyberchain will double (x2) in value, the remaining 5 levels will triple (x3) in value, leaving anyone with betweens 200%-300% profit from each level after donating to the next

The level cost is as following and in the native crypto used in CYBERCHAIN TRX - TRON

L1 100 trx -
L2 200 trx -
L3 400 trx -
L4 800 trx -
L5 1600 trx -
L6 3200 trx -
L7 6400 trx -
L8 19200 trx -
L9 57600 trx -
L10 172,800 trx -
L11 518,400 trx -
L12 1,555,200 trx

Earn 5% more T2X when you use this link

Welcome to CyberRealEstate. I am here to teach people how to start building RealEstate online. I call this process CyberRealEstate. I showcase my investments I am in on my website which I call the money tree because everything on this link tree earn money for me daily. I am here to show you how to plant that seed so you to can have a money tree that can be passed on for generations and generations. So let plant that seed today together :)

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